This is an old revision of the document!
−Table of Contents
This is a mod with classes and libraries I use for my mods.
Minecraft 1.7.10
Version History
0.4.8 (7 September 2017 [1.7.10])
- ADDED: Position-independent sound.
- CHANGED: Split GuiBase and ContainerBase into two classes.
0.4.7 (25 February 2017 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: Added parameter to specify sound rolloff in audio player.
0.4.6 (12 November 2016 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: Made audio system a lot more efficient.
- FIXED: Version number detection.
- FIXED: IC2 energy integration.
- REMOVED: GregTech debugger support for asielib blocks. AsieLib now works with both GregTech 5 and GregTech 6.
- MISC: Improved colorizing recipes.
0.4.5 (28 November 2015 [1.7.10])
- ADDED: Spy mode and /spy command for server administrators using the chat-radius config option.
- FIXED: IC2 energy integration not working very well.
- MISC: Some changes to the audio system.
- MISC: Allow soft dependencies on specific mod versions.
0.4.4 (22 October 2015 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: Some strange visual bug with blocks.
0.4.3 (11 October 2015 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: Server-side crash related to ray tracing
- FIXED: Players not being able to place blocks against other blocks (for instance Computronics Colorful Lamps) without sneaking when they should.
0.4.2 (6 June 2015 [1.7.10])
- ADDED: Blueprint support for the BuildCraft Builder.
0.4.1 (24 May 2015 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: Links in Chat not working when Chat Tweaks are enabled.
0.4.0 (11 May 2015 [1.7.10])
- ADDED: Config option to make the /realname command require Op rights on a server
- ADDED: Support for OpenComputers, AppliedEnergistics and Mekanism wrenches
- ADDED: Config option to log chat to the server console. Enabled by default.
- CHANGED: Changed how tools from other mods are handled. This might break addons not updated to this version!
- FIXED: server chat not being logged to console at all. Now works provided the config option is enabled.
0.3.13 (17 April 2015 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: Fixed license file to represent actual license
0.3.12 (8 April 2015 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: Actually 'fixed' crashes with GregTech 6
0.3.11 (5 April 2015 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: Chat Events not being processed properly
- FIXED: Properly added a soft dependency on GregTech 5 until GregTech 6 is considered stable
- MISC: Refactored some code
0.3.10 (7 March 2015 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: Some more problems with the chat tweaks
0.3.9 (3 February 2015 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: /nick command should work properly now!
- CHANGED: Now you can use /nick to change your own nickname without being Op on the server
- This can be changed to the previous behaviour in the config
- CHANGED: Re-added /realname command
- CHANGED: /me now supports nicknames
0.3.8 (26 December 2014 [1.7.10])
- CHANGED: AsieLib is not a coremod anymore!
- FIXED: Overcomplicated Redstone behaviour
- FIXED: Weird issues with NBT tags that were occasionally causing problems
0.3.7 (24 December 2014 [1.7.10])
- Removed the Shinonome Laboratories.
0.3.6 (18 December 2014 [1.7.10])
- Fixed: Several bugs regarding server-to-client synchronization
0.3.5 (13 December 2014 [1.7.10])
- Added: Ender IO tool support.
- Misc: Cleanups, tweaks, etc.
0.3.4 (21 November 2014 [1.7.10])
- Misc: We don't bundle the CoFH API anymore. It will load it if it detects it in any other mod, though.
0.3.3 (18 November 2014 [1.7.10])
- Added: Updated CoFH API.
- Removed: MJ API.
- Improved: Block Rotation.
- Enableable: Bane of Arthropods ⑨. If you enable the (EXPERIMENTAL) config option, combine a BoA V weapon with a stack of fermented spider eyes and 37 levels of XP in an Anvil, you get to attack spiders by looking at them. How cool is that? (The max range is 10 blocks)
0.3.2 (18 October 2014 [1.7.10])
- Forgot to release this one. Fixes Cipher Blocks, among other things.
0.3.1 (14 September 2014 [1.7.10])
- Fixes a pretty serious bug that broke everything.
0.3.0 (14 September 2014 [1.7.10])
- Things. Many important Tile Entity things, for instance.
0.2.12 (15 August 2014 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: A serious bug present only in 0.2.11 that I won't tell you about. (Thanks Techokami!)
0.2.11 (14 August 2014 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: A serious network-related memory leak. (Thanks Kobata!)
- WARNING: This version has a serious bug in it - please do not use!
0.2.10 (12 August 2014 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: Crash *with* EiraIRC installed (in contrast with crashing *without* which was present in 0.2.9)
0.2.9 (9 August 2014 [1.7.10])
- FIXED: EiraIRC is no longer a dependency for Chat Tweaks. Not the first time I made this mistake.
- FIXED: now shows correct stuff. For how long?
0.2.8 (9 August 2014 [1.7.10])
- NEW: Anvil tweak! Change colors of item names with dyes in an anvil! (thanks to these guys)
- NEW: Proper EiraIRC integration for Chat Tweaks.
- CHANGED: Chat Tweaks are now off by default.
- FIXED: Some future-proofing of the networking system for all of my mods.
- FIXED: Removed some old junk code, shaved a few KBs off the filesize.
0.2.7 (15 July 2014 [1.7.2, 1.7.10])
- Fix some issues with disabling chat events. Maybe. If this doesn't fix it, they're Not My Fault™.
- Fix config generation.
- Add some particle utility functions.
0.2.6 (5 July 2014 [1.7.10])
- Fixes a bug related to the Shinonome part of AsieLib. Only affected 1.7.10.
0.2.5 (2 July 2014 [1.7.2])
- Fixed the config file not being saved. If you have issue with chat plugins, try disabling chatTweaks! (The ChatTweaks are essentially EssentialsChat, the Forge mod)
0.2.4 (21 June 2014 [1.7.2])
- [Techokami/asie] Fix ConcurrentModificationException with the audio library
- [asie] Make streaming sound sources dependent on the jukebox volume, not the music volume
0.2.4 (2 June 2014 [1.6.4])
- [gamax92] Made BuildCraft and CC APIs optional.
- [gamax92] Ported to Gradle.
- [asie] Minor fixes to ICommand to make it compile on Gradle.
- [asie] Added deobfuscated builds for 0.2.3-1.7.2 and 0.2.4-1.6.4.
0.2.3 (27 May 2014 [1.7.2])
- [Techokami] Ported to 1.7.2.
0.2.3 (27 April 2014 [1.6.4])
- Added: Functions required by Computronics 0.4.0.
- Added: German (Vexatos) and Polish translations!
- Added: The ability to change the shout prefix.
0.2.2 (10 April 2014 [1.6.4])
- Fixed: Config file generation.
0.2.1 (5 April 2014 [1.6.4])
- Added: setSampleRate() to streaming playback management, for setSpeed() in Computronics 0.3.1.
0.2.0 (5 April 2014)
- WARNING: Breaks compatibility with Computronics ⇐ 0.2.4!
- Added: Far better texture rotation handling.
- Added: A lot of features which will be used by my mods.
0.1.11 (24 March 2014)
- (1.7.2) Remove BuildCraft API from the JAR, using Optionals instead. Might help with removing potential crashes in the future.
- Fixed: BuildCraft wrenches actually take damage now.
- Fixed: A Computronics crash bug because of some kind of race condition.
0.1.10 (20 March 2014)
- (1.7.2) Fixed: A server-side crash bug.
0.1.9 (18 March 2014)
- (1.7.2) Fixed: The coremod now works and appears to work properly.
- (1.7.2) Fixed: A crash bug in Herobrine's skin rendering.
0.1.8 (17 March 2014)
- (1.7.2) Fixed: The AccessTransformer works properly now.
0.1.7 (16 March 2014)
- Ported to Minecraft 1.7.2.
0.1.6 (15 March 2014)
- Fixed: Something a talking cat with a red scarf scolded me about.
0.1.5 (15 March 2014)
- Changed: Unbundled from Computronics.
- Fixed: Made the library function on the server side.
- Fixed: Generalize audio streaming functions to use in non-DFPWM code.
wiki/asielib.1533303524.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/03 12:38 (external edit)