====== PonySocks ====== {{ :wiki:ponysocks.jpg?400 |}} No crafting recipes. My second mod (and first published on a private server) ever, if I recall correctly. NOTE: This mod is only provided for posterity. I decided being flamed for the fact I watched cartoons about ponies two years ago is superior to not providing a potentially useful mod for server admins and modpack creators. ===== Downloads ===== ==== Minecraft 1.6.x ==== * [[http://files.shinonome.ch/mods164/PonySocks/PonySocks-1.6.4-0.4.jar|PonySocks 0.4]] ==== Minecraft 1.5.2 ==== * [[http://files.shinonome.ch/mods152/PonySocks/PonySocks152.zip|PonySocks 0.3]] ==== Minecraft 1.4.7 ==== * [[http://files.shinonome.ch/mods147/PonySocks/PonySocks147.zip|PonySocks]]