====== asie's Minecraft mods =======
Hello! This is a legacy wiki for Minecraft mods asie has been developing and/or helped develop.
Right now it is a straight copy from asie's wiki (the future of which is unknown), so any first-person reference ("I", "me" etc.) is referencing asie himself.
Try #computronics at irc.esper.net for general mod discussion.
[[http://github.com/asiekierka|GitHub]] | [[http://twitter.com/asiekierka|Twitter]] | [[http://youtube.com/user/asciicharismatic|YouTube]] | [[http://webchat.esper.net/?channels=#computronics|Talk to Vex!]] | [[wiki:licensing|Licensing/Permissions]] | [[wiki:contact|Contact]]
===== Currently Maintained =====
==== Own ====
* **[[wiki:asielib|AsieLib]]** - a library required for all of my current mods (up to and including Minecraft 1.7.10)
* [[wiki:computronics|Computronics]] - a computer peripheral/general technology mod!
===== Abandoned (asie) =====
* [[wiki:asiefixes|AsieFixes]] - compatibility tweaks (like extra Metallurgy support)
* [[wiki:asietweaks|AsieTweaks]] - a tweak mod for my modpacks (also includes ReCreate)
* [[wiki:endernet|EnderNet]] (to be re-integrated with Computronics in ways) - cross-server item/message transport
* [[wiki:fzaddons|Factorization Addons]] - adds extra ore support to Factorization; port from wha-ha-ha's 1.6.4 version
* [[wiki:immibisperipherals|Immibis' Peripherals]] - an OpenComputers-supporting version of Immibis's Peripherals.
* [[wiki:modularcomputing|Modular Computing]] - a failed attempt at a computer mod
* [[wiki:ponysocks|PonySocks]] - my first published mod ever, made for a private server back in late 2012-early 2013
* [[wiki:recreate|ReCreate]] - an easy-to-use creative tab manipulation mod
* [[wiki:stackalizer|Stackalizer]] - wireless redstone. I guess.
* [[wiki:chisel|Chisel]] - a fork of AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN's Chisel for MC 1.7.2 and 1.6.4
* [[wiki:kbigravel|KBI Enriched Gravel]] - a port of KBI's Enriched Gravel to Minecraft 1.6.4
* [[wiki:statues|Statues]] - a port of AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN's Statues to 1.7.x
===== Other Links =====
* [[http://www.patreon.com/asie|Patreon]]
* PayPal: asiekierka "at" "Google's email service" dot "Google's email service's TLD".
* Email: kontakt "at" "the first four letters of my Nickname" dot pl.
===== Credits =====
* asie for making awesome mods
* **Huge thanks to vifino for hosting this website** (If you want to you can donate to him [[http://vifino.de/donateme.html|here]])
This website is currently being maintained by Vexatos.